March 20, 2011

Urban Hiking Day 6: Capitol Hill

Recently I've discovered that I seem to be drawn to taking pictures of signage.  I suppose that makes sense because anyone that knows me knows that I love to sit in the car and just read signs that I see on the road as we pass by.  It is actually a very annoying habit for anyone that rides in the car with me.  Ask Caitlin Mullins.... she would agree.

What better place to explore my new love for sign photography then Capitol Hill?  That place is chalked full of random signs and graffiti that would be any sign lovers heaven.  Perhaps this is something that only I think is cool, but just in case, here are a select few of the pictures I took on my latest urban hiking adventure....





 Thirty minutes only


 Caffe Vita

1 comment:

Caitlin Mullins said...

I actually find it most entertaining, especially when we were in Kenya. I had never read the signs out loud, and the second you started to it made them all the more great because they were so ridiculous!!! Glad to see you haven't lost this character trait! :0D

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