April 28, 2011

New Blog

Hey friends,

So I discovered that blogspot is not really supported in Ethiopia, so I had to make the switch to wordpress.  You can now follow me at:




April 2, 2011

Urban Hiking Day 11: A Collaboration of Pictures Around Seattle

Here are some pictures from Urban Hiking: Jumping Edition, that didn't quite fit the bill of 'jumping pictures.'  I still find this pictures fun so I wanted to dedicate a post to Seattle as a whole. 

April 1, 2011

Urban Hiking Day 10: Magnolia

The land of Magnolia is relatively unknown to me.  Perhaps not my favorite neighborhood in Seattle, but there are some beautiful houses that I could only dream about living in one day.

March 31, 2011

Urban Hiking Day 9: Jumping Edition

I have an immense love for Seattle and jumping pictures.  A couple of my friends and I decided to combine those two loves into one amazing adventure.  We tried to visit some of the most popular places around Seattle and take jumping pictures in front of them.  This turned into a hilarious and perfect eight hour day, full of laughter, joy and lots and lots of pictures!  Here is a peek into our  glorious day.

The List
Seattle is surprisingly big, so we didn't get to all of the places we wanted to, but I feel good about the places we were able to check off our list.

March 30, 2011

Urban Hiking Day 8: Bainbridge Island

Growing up in land-locked Colorado, I have a fascination with all things water.  This urban hiking adventure takes me to the wonderful world of ferries and islands.  Thank you Bainbridge Island for keeping my water-logged adventures alive.

March 29, 2011

Urban Hiking Day 7: University of Washington

It's spring in Seattle! 
That can only mean one thing..... the cherry blossom are out in the Quad! 
This urban hiking adventure is dedicated my alma mater: the beautiful University of Washington

The new with the old

March 20, 2011

Urban Hiking Day 6: Capitol Hill

Recently I've discovered that I seem to be drawn to taking pictures of signage.  I suppose that makes sense because anyone that knows me knows that I love to sit in the car and just read signs that I see on the road as we pass by.  It is actually a very annoying habit for anyone that rides in the car with me.  Ask Caitlin Mullins.... she would agree.

What better place to explore my new love for sign photography then Capitol Hill?  That place is chalked full of random signs and graffiti that would be any sign lovers heaven.  Perhaps this is something that only I think is cool, but just in case, here are a select few of the pictures I took on my latest urban hiking adventure....


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